Die Internationale Klimaschutzinitiative (IKI) wird auf der Weltklimakonferenz COP 26 in Glasgow in verschiedenen Formaten und auf einer Vielzahl von Veranstaltungen präsent sein, um ihre Arbeit für den internationalen Klimaschutz, die Klimaanpassung und die nachhaltige Entwicklung vorzustellen und zu diskutieren.
Auf folgenden Event ist ebenfalls die Succow Stiftung vertreten und präsentiert ihr CADI Projekt:
SIDE EVENT - Climate change and biodiversity in Uzbekistan
8. November | 15.30 bis 16.30 GMT London Time
Format: Hybrid meeting
Zoom link: https://zoom.us/j/92811401723?pwd=YjdaRXcrYktPbnNUbEJGUzBjRS82Zz09
Conference ID: 928 1140 1723
Password: 817340
In-person meeting: Central Asian Pavilion, PV78 (Exhibition Way, Glasgow G3 8YW)
Sprache: Russian-English (simultaneous translation)
Organised by: CAREC, Almaty, State Committee of Environment Uzbekistan
1. Online registration: 15.15 – 15.30
2. Opening speech: 15.30 – 15.40
Mr. Aliyor TILAVOV – Counsellor, Embassy of the Republic of Uzbekistan in London
Dr. Boris ERG – Director, IUCN Regional Office for Eastern Europe and Central Asia (IUCN ECARO)
3. Presentations: 15.40 – 16.20
Mr. Jakhongir TALIPOV – Head of the Department/GEF OFP, State Committee for Ecology and Environment Protection
“Uzbekistan’s efforts towards Biodiversity conservation and Climate Change adaptation”
Prof. Joseph BULL – Senior Lecturer, University of Kent, UK
“Resurrection Island: enterprise, conservation and development around the Aral Sea”
MR. Jens WUNDERLICH – Head od Department Conservation and Biosphere, Michael Succow Foundation, Germany
“Central Asian Desert Initiative”
Mr. Abbos AKHADOV – Project Manager UNDP
“Promoting adaptation measures to increase ecosystem and biodiversity resilience to climate change”
Mr. David GILL – Senior Programme Manager, Fauna and Flora International (FFI), UK
“Upcoming initiatives in Central Asia: IWTCF and INL”
4. Discussion: Question & Answers | 16.20 – 16.25
5. Wrap-up and closing | 16.25 – 16.30