Strengthening digital conservation practices in desert protected areas in Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan
Following the successes of the IKI funded CADI project the project aims to support the new desert protected areas with training and qualification of protected area staff for a modern und effective management.
The Aral Sea region is affected by multiple environmental stresses like soil salinization, pollution of water bodies with agrochemicals, sand and salt storms as well as pressure on natural resources, including soil and water. In light of these challenges, Uzbek authorities decided on the designation of protected areas in the Aral Sea region, such as the recent designation of Southern Ustyurt National Park. The designation of further protected areas is planned in the region.
As the management of those protected areas requires specific knowledge and skills, the Michael Succow Foundation has been mandated to support with the implementation of the management plan of Southern Ustyurt National Park following international conservation standards and train administration and rangers in up-to-date and efficient management tools. Beyond this training components and exchange formats with other protected areas in desert ecosystems of Central Asia are being prepared and conducted.
The project is implemented in charge of GIZ. It is part of the regional project “Ecologically oriented regional development in the Aral Sea region” (EcoAral) implemented on behalf of the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ), in Uzbekistan (Karakalpakstan).

Strengthening digital conservation practices in desert protected areas
Location: Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan
Duration: 05.2022 - 05.2025

Christian Welscher
Expertise: International environmental cooperation, protected area management
Tel +49 3834 83542 36