EUKI - Carbon capturing by Baltic peatland farmers
Practical exchange for paludiculture & peatland carbon farming
More peatland climate farmers are needed to press ahead climate protection through sustainable use of wet peatlands - also in the Baltic States. Therefore, the Succow Foundation together with partners in the Baltic countries are launching the project "Carbon capturing by Baltic peatland farmers - Practical exchange for paludiculture & peatland carbon farming". In the Baltic States, drained peat soils are responsible for 53-71% of all greenhouse gas emissions from the Baltic agricultural sector, although they cover only 5-6% of the agricultural soils in the Baltic States. The users of these peat soils, primarily farmers and foresters, cannot change this on their own. In order to switch to wet and climate-smart land use, they need support. To enable them to produce renewable biomass in paludiculture for carbon-neutral or even carbon-negative products in the food, construction or energy sectors, the Succow Foundation and its partners impart knowledge and practical experience on climate-neutral management of peatland sites.
In cooperation with Baltic agri-cultural extension services the Project partners develop training programs and trains farmers in workshops. Paludiculture exhibitions are compiled and then presented at relevant events. Baltic practitioners will travel to German paludiculture pilots along a study tour. The project monitors paludiculture pilots and establishes a Pan-Baltic network for paludiculture and peatland climate economy. It also develops compensation plans for paludiculture and peatland climate management. For policy advice the project will funnel these plans in the political institutions in the Baltic States from local to national level.
Project websites and resources of partners:
Estonian website
Latvian website
Lithuanian website
Paludiculture guidance for Baltic countries:
Here Baltic partners compiled Baltic guidance for practical implementation of paludicultures based on GMC expertise and expertise from the previous joint EUKI paludiculture project:
Estonia pdf
Latvia pdf
Lithuania pdf
Development of remuneration schemes for Paludiculture and Carbon Farming
Here decision and policy makers will get background information and considerations to incentivise the upscaling peatland rewetting by develop suitable remuneration schemes for carbon farming and paludiculture:
Guidance report pdf
Factsheets on Building materials from paludiculture plants:
Here users or producers will find a list of building materials from paludiculture plants, which are either already available on the market or have been developed as pilot models:
Acoustic panel from reed by Hiss Reet pdf
Acoustic panel by Naporo pdf
Insulation board by Hiss Reet pdf
Insulation board by Naporo pdf
Blow-in insulation by Naporo pdf
Insulation board by Gramitherm pdf
Insulation board by Typhatechnik pdf
Factsheet Alder wood pdf
Light weight reed board by Claytec pdf
Reed board by Conluto pdf
Plaster base board by Egginger pdf
Paludiculture foam boards pdf
Paludiculture boards by Zelfo pdf
Study Tour Guide - Paludiculture:
Paludiculture Study Tour Guide 2022
19.09.2022 Seminar: "Fibres and materials from Paludiculture biomass”at ATB Potsdam (Leibnitz Institute for Agricultural Engineering and Bio-economics):
- 2022-09-19 ATB: work and experience on biomass processing_by C. Lühr
- 2022-09-19 Climate friendly management of Brandenburg peatlands by B. Spanjers
- 2022-09-19 Zelfo: Technology Presentation Postdam by G. v. Vilmorin
20.09.2022 Seminar: “Paludiculture Pilots and Moorfutures in M-V” at Felix Hausdorff Zentrum Greifswald University:
- 2022-09-20 Keynote: Challenges in peatland rewetting for climate protection by F. Tanneberger
- 2022-09-20 LM: Measures peatland restoration in MV by M. Ehrich
- 2022-09-20 Peatlands and climate policies in Estonia by M. Kiis
- 2022-09-20 Peatland protection and Peatland carbonfarming in Latvia by D. Dubrovskis & I. Ozola
- 2022-09-20 Protected Areas in Lithuania by Mr. Zitkevicius
- 2022-09-20 Lithuania: rewetting of peatlands to mitigate GHG Emissions by A. Prakapiene
- 2022-09-20 What we need for paludiculture in Lithuania by N. Zableckis
- 2022-09-20 Greifswald peatland manager by A. Wojatschke
- 2022-09-20 Paludi-Pilot M-V by A. Nordt
22.09.2022 Presentation Hiss Reet and Seminar Peat-moss farming, in Oldenburg:
- 2022-09-22 HissReet in 2022 by T. Hiss
- 2022-09-23 Sphagnum moss in Growing media – why by S. Kumar
- 2022-09-23 Paludiculture on bogs by G. Gaudig& M. Krebs
The Succow Foundation is implementing this project as part of the European Climate Initiative (EUKI) of the German Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety (BMU) together with the Baltic partners Estonian Fund for Nature (ELF, Estonia), Lake and Peatland Research Centre (LPRC, Latvia), and the Foundation for Peatland Restoration and Conservation (FPRC, Lithuania).
EUKI - Carbon capturing by Baltic peatland farmers
Practical exchange for paludiculture & peatland carbon farming
Location: Baltic States
Duration: 08/2021-12/2023

Andreas Haberl
Mire- & Paleoecology
Tel +49 3834 83542 15
How to paludiculture?
Paludiculture offers chances to transform conventional agriculture on drained peatland towards climate friendly and sustainable production.