In December 2013, exactly 10 years ago, the first fellow began her Marion Dönhoff Fellowship at the Michael Succow Foundation. Since then, 35 fellows from most of the post-Soviet states and Eastern Europe have contributed to the East-West dialog with various interests in the fields of environmental journalism, political ecology, sustainable development and critical analysis.
The Marion Dönhoff Fellowship has developed into a relevant pillar of research and further education at the Succow Foundation. As part of this program, the foundation offers young conservationists, scientists and activists from post-Soviet and Eastern European countries a study and research stay in Germany.
The anniversary image film looks back on the first 10 years and lets the fellows have their say in short statements. They talk about their highlights during this time and about their developments, shaped by the influences of the fellowship.
Journalist Marion Countess Dönhoff (1909-2002) has always criticized the dark sides of capitalism and the consequences of unlimited growth on nature and mankind. She advocated cooperation with the countries in today's post-Soviet region and the support of a young generation of people willing and able to make a change. The current times of crisis are anything but encouraging, but the statements and career paths of the fellows are all the more encouraging and give us hope that a young generation will do better.
click here for the movie >
We would like to thank the Marion Dönhoff Foundation for its support of this international exchange. We would also like to thank the fellows for their statements and the BioFilm agency for preparing the video and image material.