A new project of the Michael Succow Foundation's in the field of "Protected Areas & Biosphere" has been running since January 2021 and focuses on strengthening the network of protected areas in the Uzbek Fergana Valley. The valley lies in the border region to Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan and is with about 10 million inhabitants the most densely populated area in Central Asia. And although the Fergana Valley is still a home to numerous plants and animals, including endemic and other rare species, there are no protected areas in this region of Central Asia with more stringent protective congestion.
With this two-year project, which is carried out with funds from the CEPF (Critical Ecosystem Partnership Fund) and administered by the WWF (World Wide Fund for Nature), the foundation wants to investigate the unique natural landscapes und their special value in order to prepare a nature conservation justification for the preservation of the most important and most endangered areas.