Succow Foundation starts with new a project in the Baltic states within the 5th call of the EUKI of the BMU

“Carbon capturing by Baltic peatland farmers – Practical exchange for paludiculture & carbon farming”

The project builds upon results of a previous EUKI project lead by MSF (Succow Stiftung | Baltikum: EUKI Paludikultur ( and focusses on knowledge transfer and capacity building for practical implementation of paludiculture and peatland carbon farming on practical level in Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania. The project consortium will develop tailor made paludiculture training programmes for Baltic practitioners and landusers who are engaged in peatland management and raise the public awareness for a climate-friendly transformation of Baltic peatland utilisation. It will create a knowledge base to bring Baltic paludiculture implementation ahead from pilot to best practice. And finally, it will establish and strengthen a Pan-Baltic network on peatland carbon farming giving policy advise and promoting a remuneration of ecosystem services that can be provided by Baltic peatland carbon farmers in future. The project partners are Estonian Fund for Nature in Estonia; Lake and Peatland research Centre in Latvia; and Foundation for Peatland Restoration and Conservation in Lithuania.