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The Succow Foundation has joined the Climate Protection Alliance Greifswald to reduce local CO2-emissiones by through peatland protection.

The Succow Foundation is now a member of the Climate Protection Alliance Greifswald. The alliance supports the "Master Plan 100% Climate Protection" of the City of Greifswald, which aims to reduce municipal greenhouse gas emissions by 95% and final energy by 50% by 2050 compared to 1990. The Succow Foundation is particularly committed to reducing CO2 emissions through local peatland protection and would like to implement concrete projects.

In the MORGEN project, the foundation has already developed the Greifswalder Moorstudie (Greifswald peatland study) (German only). This accounts emissions for the peatland areas in the municipal area and recommends actions for conservation and use of these areas. The revitalisation of peatlands not only saves large amounts of CO2 emissions, but also contributes to successful climate adaptation. Wet peatlands have a regulating effect on the landscape water balance, can buffer extreme weather and may regulate the micro climate.